East Iceland Carbon Footprint 2022 Report Published
05.02.2025Eygló, in collaboration with Austurbrú, has commissioned an assessment of the carbon footprint of East Iceland. The report, prepared by Stefán Gíslason and Environice, is based on emissions data for 2022 and provides valuable insight into the main sources of carbon emissions in the region. Similar reports have been prepared for other areas across the country and it is useful to examine individual aspects there and compare them with East Iceland.
The results of the new report were presented at a residents’ meeting in June 2024, where the challenges and opportunities related to reducing greenhouse gas emissions in the region were discussed. In East Iceland, emissions are 113 tons of CO2 equivalent per inhabitant in the region, which is more than three times the national average. There, the small number of people in the quarter consider emissions from heavy industry to be high, but emissions from heavy industry and electricity consumption by heavy industry in the region cover about 47% of total emissions in the quarter. Emissions related to the fishing industry also weigh heavily in the accounts, as do emissions from drained wetlands.
The aim of the report is to create a basis for targeted discussions and actions that promote sustainability and reduce the environmental impact of the region. The report is now accessible to everyone and can be useful to municipalities, companies and individuals who want to contribute to a climate-friendly future.
The report can be accessed here: click!