Austurland’s carbon footprint: open meeting with Environice

On 11 June, about thirty people attended the open meeting organised by Eygló and Austurbrú, during which Stefán Gíslason of Environice presented the results of an analysis of Austurland’s carbon footprint. The assessment revealed that the primary sources of emissions in Austurland include transport, waste, industry, agriculture, land use, and local energy consumption, and the carbon footprint of each resident is a staggering 113 tons per year. This high number has several explanations but also highlights opportunities for reduction.

Stefán emphasised the importance of identifying actionable areas to reduce emissions. Key opportunities include:
-Land Use: Restoring drained wetlands could significantly reduce emissions, as land use is a major contributor to the region’s carbon footprint.
-Social Emissions: Reducing emissions, electrification of transport and better waste management practices are potential solutions.

The assessment underscores the need for continuous monitoring and adaptation of strategies based on new knowledge and methodologies. By focusing on both large and small sources of emissions, Austurland can work towards a more sustainable future.

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